Asthma is a disease that causes the airways of the lungs to swell and narrow. It leads to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. When an asthma attack occurs, the lining of the air passages swells and the muscles surrounding the airways become tight. This reduces the amount of air that can pass through the airway. In people with sensitive airways, asthma symptoms can be triggered by breathing in substances called allergens or triggers. Many people with asthma have a personal or family history of allergies, such as hay fever or eczema. Others have no history of allergies. Common asthma triggers include Animals (pet hair or dander), Dust mites, Aspirin and other NSAIDs, Changes in weather (most often cold weather), Chemicals in the air or in food, Exercise, Mold, Pollen, The common cold, Strong emotions (stress), Tobacco smoke. The VDR gene is responsible for the production of the vitamin D receptor protein, which is involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. Studies have shown that variations in the VDR gene may be associated with an increased risk of developing asthma. Specifically, individuals with certain variants of the VDR gene may be more likely to develop asthma than those without the variants. In addition to the VDR gene, other genetic factors that may increase an individual’s risk of developing asthma include variations in genes involved in the immune system, such as the IL-4 and IL-13 genes. Furthermore, environmental factors, such as exposure to allergens, can also increase an individual’s risk of developing asthma. VDR is a known immunoregulatory switch gene. The mechanism of action in immune-mediated diseases may involve varying levels of VDR in immune cells. Replicated studies have identified a strong association between genetic variants at the VDR locus and asthma/atopy. Along with other known asthma risk genes identified such as ADAM33, TNFA, RANTES, and GPRA. Overall, research has identified a number of genetic and environmental factors that may increase an individual’s risk of developing asthma. While the exact cause of asthma is still unknown, understanding the role of the VDR gene and other genetic factors may help researchers develop better treatments and prevention strategies for this condition. "Livewello.com"
Link to Dr. Straile Blog about Asthma. Go to Blog
Note: you'll find VDR gene on IMAET Allergen Profile and Biofield software panels.