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Biofeedback Case Study Presentation

Writer's picture: Khadijat O Quadri, LPC, NCC, CHtKhadijat O Quadri, LPC, NCC, CHt

An Integrative Model for the Effectiveness of Biofeedback Interventions Using the imaet for Treatment of Mental Health Disorders and Chronic Disease Regulation: A Report

Khadijat O Quadri, LPC, NCC, CHt - Bioenergetic Healing Psychotherapist
Khadijat O Quadri, LPC, NCC, CHt - Bioenergetic Healing Psychotherapist

The Practice Goal:

To Create a Practical Bridge Between the Ancient and the New Frontier of Science and Spirituality in the Field of Psychology and the Conscious Evolution of Humanity.

Examine the effectiveness of Biofeedback interventions via the utilization of the IMAET Technology.

Using case studies of five patients seeking treatment at a mental health clinic for a wide variety of ailments related to mental health and chronic health issues

We explore a non evasive and effective treatment that integrates the IMAET Quantum Biofeedback technology and holistic therapies into traditional mental health care.

Results indicate overall improvements in mental health and reduction of chronic symptoms after ten sessions of IMAET Biofeedback sessions.

Visual information from the IMAET machine may validate and track the nature of healing sessions over time for individuals with mental health and chronic disease problems.

Practitioners, along with their clients, can examine all facets of a client’s situation and become more educated about their overall health. Together this information may provide a more holistic and successful approach to treatment for chronic disease management and mental health disorders.



1. Addressing healthcare from a holistic perspective- Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energy systems

2. Medications and side effects

3. Too many specialists – Too many cooks spoil the broth

4. Addressing Co-Morbid Issues

5. Getting real Results

6. Getting to the root of the health issue

7. For Profit - Commercialized medicine

8. Empowering and educating the public about their own health

9. The mental health stigma in international communities

10. The physical application of spiritual knowledge in mental health

11. According to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International Mental Health Watchdog:

All Psychiatric Drugs- All Ages — 76,940,157

Antidepressants - All Ages — 45,204,771

ADHD Drugs - All Ages — 9,585,203

Mood Stabilizers - All Ages — 21,863,616

Antipsychotics -All Ages — 11,154,803

A global survey on depression and anxiety showed that the largest numbers of people with anxiety resided in locations in South-East Asia and the Americas. However, the highest distribution of cases of depression globally is among populations in South-East Asia and the Western Pacific. Both depression and anxiety disproportionately affect women in all regions of the world.

SOURCE: IQVia Total Patient Tracker (TPT) Database, Year 2020, Extracted January 2021.


They dress the wounds of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, peace they say, when there is no peace. That is, the false prophets and lying priests, who pretended to be physicians, and to heal the sickly and distempered state of the people; and they did do it, in their way, but not thoroughly; they did not search the wound to the bottom; they drew a skin over it, and made a scar of it, and called it a cure; they made light of the hurt or wound.

Jeremiah 6:14


The Science of Epigenetics and Bioenergetics - IMAET

The IMAET is an elite biocommunication technology that provides the body with cellular balance for wellness.

This software utilizes both scalar and electromagnetic waves and contains 70,000 frequencies.

The IMAET System contains twenty-seven support programs, can make custom remedies and imprint frequencies in any number of personal items like water, jewelry or bioenergetic medium.

The IMAET utilizes cutting-edge bioenergetic communication technology and proprietary algorithms to deliver unmatched wellness support.

In the BioScan category, a persons bio-energy is scanned using a harness system and an interface box operating along quantum waves, also known as Tesla waves, which interface with the body and collect energetic signatures that reflect current imbalances and wellness needs.

Using the energetic signatures collected during the scan, IMAET compiles a snapshot of the body’s functional bioenergetic status.

The practitioner can then utilize the provided default feedback or customize a unique and comprehensive wellness support session based on the snapshot provided from the program. This is also called a custom treatment basket.

The effects of the session are reportedly often experienced immediately afterwards and are even more effective after multiple sessions. Sessions are cumulative in harmonizing complex epigenetic disharmonies.


Our Holistic Approach - In Service of the Soul We are licensed Clinical Mental Health Providers • Counselor, Psychotherapist • Mental Health, Emotional and Behavioral Health • The Transpersonal and Spiritual • Twenty-Five Years of Practice • Over 30,000 patient sessions • Managed care provider • Accept Insurance, private pay • Federal and State Contracts

Insurance Accept all Major Insurances Medicaid, Medicare Utilization of CPT Codes for Psychotherapy and Other Psychology Services Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation without medical services Psychotherapy Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing Biofeedback - 90875

Quantum Tools and Machines GDV Imaging WinAura Imaging Bio-Well Health Assessment Nuvision Holographic Scaling Tool IMAET

Techniques Advanced Integrative Therapy Galactic Astrology Hypnotherapy Past-life Regression Energy/Reiki Healing Polarity Therapy Cranial Sacral Chakra Balancing Biofeedback


Feedback From Participant's Mother

Participant 1: 36-Year-old Male Presenting Symptoms: Digestive issues, Irrational, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Stomach pains, Gluten Intolerance, Dairy allergens, Phobias, Anger control, Relationship Challenges

Spiritual Issues Participant one reports out of body experiences where he gets visions of himself in a casket and on multiple occasions saw his wife and children at the dinner table without him. He reported seeing his grandfather who died before he was born from the corner of his eyes, and he has solved complex puzzles without knowing how he did it. His elderly grandparents haven’t often mistaken him for his diseased grandfather who died in a car accident. Participant one reports seeing things before they happen like car accidents and knowing what people are thinking before, they say it. He shares that this ability has landed him in arguments as he feels people cannot be trusted.

Participant 1 Outcomes 10 IMAET Sessions • Reduction in diarrhea and stomach pains • Able to eat out without having stomach reactions • Feels more alert • Feels less cloudy • More focus • Less sluggish • Improved interpersonal relationships • Increased tolerance • Improved sex drive

Participant 2: 39-Year-old Female Problems: Executive dysfunction, PCOS, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Chronic pain, Inflammation, Prediabetic, Sciatica, Capel Tunnel, Auditory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, ADHD Medications: Multiple medications but no improvement

Impressions: Participant Two has the negative personality of a martyr which seems to sabotage her own healing process. Her energy and vitality is low mainly due to giving her energy away and not having healthy boundaries with others. She is an empath and deeply affected by other people’s pain and learned at a young age to absorb other people’s traumas into her energy field. This behavior pattern of absorbing other people’s issues is the main root cause of her health issues. Her NuVision scan showed issues with her low iron and thyroid hormone, but she denied any medical diagnosis that pointed to her having thyroid issues which was affecting her energy levels and sleep issues. She later found out two months later that she did indeed have thyroid issues.

Patient 2 - Outcomes 10 IMAET Sessions Hex Reaction – Detoxification Support • Pain moved locations –Then Normalized • Blood Pressure normalized • Lost forty pounds • Focused on Lymph panel • Increased bowel movement • More energy • Reduced anxiety and depression

Before After ten IMAET Sessions

Participant 3: 45-Year-old Male An initial Nuvision scan showed that he had side effects from drug interactions, low serotonin, cardiovascular stress due to lack of exercise, side effects from vaccines, gut and respiratory tract cells, extreme fear of diabetes (Diabetophobia), a past life experience related to wrongful and premature death, Electromagnetic radiation, parasites in his colon and his illness being related to an unbalanced environment. He also needed to ground himself more regularly and has a government mind control implant. Participant Three reported working in a toxic work environment and surrounded by a lot of technology.

Participant Three reported having obsessive thoughts about death and dying. A history of depression, stress and chronic fatigue. A diagnosis of lymphedema, diabetes, hypertension, weight issues, high cholesterol, insomnia, and allergies. Participant Three had four different specialists including an immunologist, psychiatrist, cardiologist, and an endocrinologist. He was on twelve different medications and reported feeling fatigue, headaches, depressed, heartburn, brain fog, night sweats, unable to sleep and mange his diabetes

Participant 3 Feedback Session Five Participant Three reported at the session that he had lost twenty -three pounds in the last thirty days of receiving IMAET treatment. He also reported that his levels including blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol were at all normal levels. When asked about his medications, Participant Three reported that he was still taken his medications but had been on them for five years with no real results. He feels his weight loss and clarity and energy levels were attributed to the IMAET sessions. This Fifth session was focused on Lymphatic system, Acupoint meridians, congestion of spleen, Lymph plaque, Lymph nodes, and Lymph stimulation. Session Six OUTCOMES Participant Three reported that since his last IMAET session, one week prior, he has experienced increased energy levels, his mood has stabilized, and he is now walking and exercising more. He no longer has the urge for sugar products, his blood sugar has remained steady, his appetite for healthy foods has increased and he is back wearing two sizes smaller. Participant Three received another lymphatic treatment. Session Seven and Eight Participant Three has continued to stabilize with his blood pressure, sleep, energy levels and mood. He continues to receive IMAET sessions on a bi -weekly basis with focus on lymphatic system and the Ionic foot detox bath.

Participant 4: Forty-Year-Old Female Problems: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder and was recently diagnosed with Bell Palsy. She reported not feeling herself and crying a lot. She reported having high blood pressure despite taking various medications. She feels her stomach is always in a knot. She has alopecia, and nerve pain. Participant Four does not want to look at herself in the mirror and feels she is obsessing about her death. She is taking a cocktail of medications for depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and nerve pain. Due to her medications, she has developed kidney problems and has had her surgery to remove her gallbladder. Participant Four reported having excruciating headaches, fatigue, a lump in her throat, insomnia, diarrhea and constipation, poor memory, brain fog, heart palpitations and poor memory.

Participant Four has no history of alcohol or substance abuse. She reports a history of childhood traumas and three tours of duty which has resulted in PTSD and night terrors. She reported a new symptom where she has lost ability to grab items with her hands going numb. After complaining to her doctors that she was not getting better under their care for the last four years, she was referred for mental health. An initial Nuvision scan was conducted, and impression received was high levels of Candida, electromagnetic pollution, perverse energies, facial nerve, left cerebellum and issues with her muscle. Session two Participant Four received her first IMAET allergy panel scan and impressions included Cytomegalovirus, VIR 9, Vagus Nerve and parasite infestation, Candida and SHOW Method protocols were also included for biofeedback. Participant Four was offered a relaxing chair and meditation music alone in a darkened room while she received feedback treatment. Feedback was continuous until all items for treatment had been harmonized between eighty percent and one hundred percent. The participant was then encouraged to take not of any physiological and psychological reactions to the treatment and be prepared to share by the next session.

Participant 4 - Outcomes She no longer has suicidal ideations Depression reduction and stress management Participant Four came into her session excited to share that all her symptoms had gone away. She reported that she had run out of her blood pressure medication and was unable to get her prescription refilled for seven days. She stated that she had not taken the medication for five day and her symptoms went away. She believed her blood pressure medication was responsible for her symptoms. She informed her doctor that she felt that the medications were given her dangerous side effects, but she was promptly dismissed and referred for mental health. Participant Four began a detox biofeedback using the detox panel and the Ionic foot detox bath

Feedback from Participant 4

IMAET treatment has been different than any other treatment that I have received because it looks closely at what's going on inside my body. It's like having a super personalized guide that shows exactly what's not working right. This special attention helps fix not just the things that bother me but also the reasons behind them.

IMAET understands that my body, mind, and feelings are all connected. It's like having a plan that makes sure everything is in harmony. For the first time in my life, I feel like my whole self is being taken care of.

No More Side Effects:

I have had a long history of taking medication and have had horrible side effects. But with IMAET, it's different it only works where it's needed and for me that means no more feeling horrible from unnecessary medication – just feeling better without any problems on the side.

IMAET has given me hope. It has looked at the things causing the trouble and helped manage them better. It's like having a friend who knows exactly how to handle the tough stuff, so I can focus on being happy.

IMAET treatment has changed my health story completely and I a forever grateful for the treatment I have received and continue to receive from Dr. Quadri.


Participant 5: 16-Year-old Female Participant Five is a sixteen-year-old female with a history of anxiety, depression, and social skills problems. She had been hospitalized in psychiatric care on multiple occasions due to attempted suicide and suicidal ideations and was subsequently diagnosed with schizophrenia. Participant Five’s mother reported that Participant Five was extremely paranoid, antisocial and refuses to interact with her peers at school. She was reported as having multiple personalities and alters ( A person with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or a similar form of Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (previously called Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, or DDNOS-1) has a fragmented personality.

Initial Diagnostic impression was Autism. Participant Five may have been misdiagnosed and this maybe the reason none of her medications or prior treatments have not work. She had been dismissed from therapy by multiple counselors who were unable to get a word out of her. Since there was little to no treatments available to sixteen-year-old autistic patients, I offered to assist with utilizing the IMAET biofeedback sessions. The mother agreed and they were provided a treatment plan that would incorporate hypnotherapy, energy healing and the IMAET biofeedback. Initial Nuvision impressions indicated medical malpractice, polarity imbalance, Hereditary parasite information stress, Pituitary imbalance, Low bile production, Epstein-Barr Virus VCA Antibody and gut infection. Spiritual Issues From her astrological chart, Participant Five had a past life experience of alienation owing to her south note in Virgo in the twelfth house. She has a Jupiter in Scorpio in the first house making her deeply focused on herself and needing attention from others. Her charts also makes her very introverted, intuitive and escapism. She feels intense insecurity around groups and reacts negatively to preserved forms of rejection. Participant Five reported has an innate distrust of emotions and reported not been able to express her feelings. A major spiritual lesson for her would be to let go of the desire to escape into fantasy and develop a productive life. Participant Five received three sessions of Hypnotherapy and three Reiki Healing. Healing was focused on general wellbeing, cognitive restructuring, self confidence and releasing stuck emotions. Energy healing focused on clearing her energy field and restoring her auric field

Participant 5 Outcomes 10 IMAET Sessions In total, Participant Five received forty -Eight sessions that included psychotherapy, energy reiki healing, hypnotherapy, and biofeedback therapies. By the end of her sessions, she had lost fifty pounds and completely off her medications. She had not been hospitalized for suicidal ideations or attempts throughout the course of being in care at Kuadra Counseling. Became more social. She was expressing herself and making new friends. She even attended a school prom and had formed close relationships. Participant Five will be graduating high school and plans to attend a nearby college to become a veterinarian. Autism symptoms managed

Before After Before After

Treatment Results Table Summary – X represents issues resolved with the IMAET after 10-12 sessions



Before the initial sessions and prior to treatment, all five participants had experienced various mental health and chronic disease issues and had been in care of medical professionals and specialists for their various conditions for more than two years.

They all reported not getting better even with treatment and some reported adverse effects from treatment.

All the participants had agreed to try the holistic approach of the IMAET biofeedback treatment along with holistic modalities offered at Kuadra Counseling. Approach to healing at Kuadra is often described as holistic, intuitive, and creative. It incorporates methods that explore the spiritual, psychological, and physical aspects of a person to find true energetic causes and bring harmony and balance to the individual.

All the participants reported getting better and staying better. Given the sweeping declining health and wellness in the United States, it would be beneficial for healthcare systems to consider other noninvasive tools that can promote wellness and restore the health of individuals. The imaet is an epigenetic and bioenergetic healing tool. Bioenergy is expressed as Prana in Hindu culture and in Chinese traditional culture, it is called Qi and is defined in meridians and acupoints.

IMAET merges these traditional wisdoms with modern scientific knowledge of body biochemistry and epigenetics and allows us to enter a new universe of understanding health and dis-ease. We are entering the cyberspace of the body. Gaining this new understanding becomes a matter of information analysis. It has been called decoding the human biofield by Peter Fraser and “interacting fields of energy and information that surround living systems” by the NIH.



The healthcare system of specialists and subspecialists has created a nightmare for individuals seeking wellness and more difficult to navigate an every increasingly disintegrated system. As the system disintegrates, so does the individual as they are left to piece together the various treatments and medications given to them by multiple specialists. The mechanisms for holistic wellness requires the joining of hands of the spiritual , emotional and behavioral in such a way that the individual is getting a holistic view of his or her problems and solutions appear less complicated as the medical system makes it out to be.

Kuadra incorporates quantum healing and intuitive models with the emerging interactive technology to encourage a new phase of research and implementation of biofeedback. There is a great deal of promise for future biofeedback interventions that harness the power of epigenetic quantum tools to help people regulate their overall health in a way that feels engaging, personal, and meaningful.


A healer should not be measured by their tools but by the measure of light within them.

The light is what makes any tool effective.

Just as a bad farmer with good tools cannot yield a good harvest, a healer not in the light cannot wield healing.

God chooses His healers--they are the ones assigned to carry the light.

Thank You.

Writer's Contact Information:

Khadijat Quadri LPC, NCC, CHt

Bio -Energetic Healing Psychotherapist

KUADRA Counseling Service, INC

4100 Piedras Drive East

Suite 262

San Antonio Texas 78228

PH: (210) 314 -7687

Fax: (210) 314 -7494



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The IMAET is a bioenergetic stress management tool that enhances the flow of subtle biocellular energies. The software and any hardware should be used only as intended by the manufacturer and that no medical claims, intent to diagnose, treat or prescribe for disease shall be represented. This product should NOT be used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, and prevention of disease or any other medical condition. This product may only assist the body’s own relaxation and stress management mechanisms by encouraging a sense of wellness, balance and harmony. This technology is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.

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