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Reiki Treatment

The Science Behind Quantum Healing

"The medicine of the future will be frequency medicine.”
~Albert Einstein~

Imagine your body as a complex orchestra, and each instrument represents a different aspect of your health – your organs, cells, and energy. Now, quantum bioenergetic healing is like having a conductor, fine-tuning the harmony of this orchestra.

At the quantum level, everything is made up of tiny particles, and these particles can behave in mysterious ways according to the rules of quantum physics. Quantum bioenergetic healing taps into this world to help balance the energy within your body.

Our bodies have an energy field, often called the biofield, which influences our health. Stress, illness, or emotional issues can disrupt this energy flow. Quantum bioenergetic healing aims to restore balance by working with the quantum energy within and around your body.

One common method involves using devices, like the imaet System, that detect and measure your body's energy. It's like checking the vibes of each instrument in the orchestra to see if they're in tune. Then, through various techniques such as energy transfer, biocommunication or intention, the practitioner works to harmonize and balance your energy.

Think of it as a kind of energetic fine-tuning – addressing not just the physical symptoms but also the underlying energetic imbalances. It's like adjusting the volume and pitch of each instrument to create a symphony of well-being.

While it might sound a bit unconventional, many people report feeling better and experiencing improvements in their health after quantum bioenergetic healing sessions and see long-term epigenetic changes. The idea is to align the energy within your body, promoting a sense of balance and overall wellness.

There are many aspects that explain how quantum healing works.  Let's explore the world of Quantum Sciences and how they work to provide better wellness:

Bioenergetics Basics

Bioenergetics is a field that explores the flow and utilization of energy within living organisms. It delves into the intricate processes by which cells convert nutrients into energy, essential for maintaining various physiological functions and sustaining life.

Bioenergetics involves understanding how the body's energy systems operate at the cellular level. This includes examining processes such as cellular respiration, where cells generate energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Dysregulation in bioenergetic processes can impact the health of tissues and organs, contributing to various medical conditions.

In recent years, bioenergetics has gained attention for its potential applications in personalized medicine and integrative approaches to health. It considers not only the traditional biochemical aspects but also the energetic and vibrational aspects of cells. Techniques such as bioenergetic assessments and interventions aim to optimize the body's energy balance, potentially influencing overall health and well-being.

Incorporating an understanding of bioenergetics may involve considering how energy metabolism contributes to health outcomes and exploring emerging research on the role of energy balance in disease prevention and treatment. It offers a more comprehensive perspective on health by integrating both traditional and holistic approaches to health and wellness.

Bioenergetic medicine involves manipulating a bioenergetic pathway to increase or decrease its associated flux. This can affect cell energy stores as well as fluxes in intersecting pathways. Bioenergetic medicine includes manipulations of mitochondrial fluxes but is not limited to manipulations of just mitochondrial fluxes.




Dr. Bernard Straile








Dr. Bernard Straile








Dr. Bernard Straile





Quantum Energy in the Human Body

Think of your body as this incredibly intricate machine. Now, imagine diving into the super-tiny world inside your body, where things get a bit mind-bending. 

At the smallest level, we've got atoms – the basic building blocks of everything. Inside atoms, there are even tinier particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons. Enter quantum physics, the study of what happens in this micro universe. 

In the quantum world, particles don't behave like straightforward balls; they can act as both particles and waves simultaneously. It's a bit different from our everyday experiences. 

Now, how does this quantum world relate to your body? Well, within your body, there's a bustling world of tiny activities, like cells doing their jobs. Cells are made up of molecules, and molecules are made up of atoms. 

Quantum mechanics helps us understand the peculiar behavior of these tiny particles inside atoms. It's like deciphering their unique dance, and this dance is what keeps your body running smoothly. 

Consider your brain, the powerhouse of your body. Picture it as a sophisticated computer. The quantum rules guide the particles in your brain, ensuring they communicate effectively and orchestrate your body's movements, thoughts, and emotions. 

In essence, quantum physics and mechanics are the underlying principles that govern the minuscule world within your body, ensuring everything operates like a well-choreographed performance, allowing you to carry out all the remarkable things you do every day. 

Quantum Energy and Cellular Function

Quantum physics plays a fascinating role in understanding cellular functions, providing insights into the behavior of particles at the tiniest levels within our cells. 

At the core of quantum physics is the understanding that particles at the subatomic level, such as electrons, can behave both as particles and waves. This duality introduces unique principles that come into play within our cells.

  1. Wave-Particle Duality in Cellular Processes: Within cells, especially in the molecules that make up DNA, quantum processes impact how information is stored and processed. Imagine cellular activities as a dynamic dance influenced by the wave-particle duality of particles. This dance affects how cells function, communicate, and respond to stimuli.

  2. Quantum Effects on Information Processing: Quantum physics may explain aspects of information processing within cells. The behavior of particles can influence the storage and utilization of information encoded in our DNA. Some researchers propose that quantum effects contribute to the dynamic regulation of genes, impacting how different genes are activated or silenced. This, in turn, influences cellular activities, such as protein synthesis and overall cell function.

  3. Quantum Coherence in Cellular Energy Transfer: Another intriguing aspect is quantum coherence, where particles synchronize their behavior. In cellular processes, this phenomenon has been observed in the context of energy transfer. Quantum coherence in photosynthesis, for example, suggests that particles work together efficiently to capture and transfer energy, optimizing the cell's ability to convert sunlight into chemical energy.

  4. Quantum Entanglement and Cellular Communication: Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where particles become interconnected and influence each other's state, might have implications for cellular communication. While the direct application of quantum entanglement in cellular communication is still an area of exploration, some researchers hypothesize that it could play a role in the coordinated activities of cells within tissues.

While the specific mechanisms linking quantum physics to cellular function are complex and continue to be studied, it's clear that the principles of quantum physics contribute to our understanding of the intricacies within cells. Integrating this knowledge may lead to innovative perspectives on cellular processes and potential applications in medicine, although practical applications are still emerging.

In summary, quantum physics offers a lens through which we can explore the dynamic and nuanced behaviors within our cells. This understanding has the potential to reshape our perspectives on cellular functions and may pave the way for future advancements in medical research and treatments.




Dr. Bernard Straile








Dr. Bernard Straile








Dr. Bernard Straile








Dr. Bernard Straile





Quantum Energy and Your DNA

Quantum physics provides insights into the intricate relationship between quantum phenomena and the behavior of DNA, unraveling the mysteries of how the smallest particles influence the very blueprint of life.

  1. Wave-Particle Duality and DNA Structure: Quantum physics introduces the concept of wave-particle duality, where particles like electrons can behave as both particles and waves. This duality plays a role in the structural dynamics of DNA. The helical structure of DNA involves interactions at the quantum level, with electrons exhibiting wave-like behaviors that contribute to the stability and integrity of the DNA molecule.

  2. Quantum Coherence in DNA Dynamics: Quantum coherence, a phenomenon where particles synchronize their behavior, has been observed in the context of DNA dynamics. Research suggests that coherence among electrons in the DNA molecule allows for efficient energy transfer, contributing to the stability of the DNA structure and potentially influencing processes like replication and repair.

  3. Quantum Tunnelling in DNA Processes: Quantum tunneling, a quantum mechanical phenomenon, is involved in processes within DNA. In quantum tunneling, particles can pass through energy barriers that classical physics would consider insurmountable. This phenomenon is thought to play a role in processes like DNA replication and mutation, enabling certain molecular events that contribute to the diversity and adaptability of genetic information.

  4. Quantum Entanglement and DNA Interactions: Quantum entanglement, where particles become interconnected regardless of distance, may have implications for DNA interactions. While the direct influence of quantum entanglement on DNA is an area of ongoing research, some theories propose that entanglement could contribute to the coordinated behavior of molecules involved in DNA processes.

  5. Quantum Effects on Gene Expression: Quantum physics may also impact gene expression. The dynamic regulation of genes, influenced by quantum effects, could contribute to the fine-tuning of cellular activities. Some researchers explore the idea that quantum phenomena influence how genes are activated or silenced, influencing the functional outcomes of different cells.

The field of quantum biology is a rapidly evolving area of research, and the implications for medical treatments or interventions are not fully realized.  These insights have paved the way for innovative approaches to personalized wellness and alternative therapies.

How Frequencies Affect the Body

Frequencies play a crucial role in influencing the body's functions, and understanding how different frequencies affect the body is fundamental in various contexts.


Our bodies are dynamic systems that respond to a wide range of frequencies. Different frequencies of energy, such as those found in electromagnetic waves, sound waves, and even within our own biofield, interact with the body's tissues and cells. 

  1. Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs): The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses a vast range of frequencies, from low-frequency radio waves to high-frequency gamma rays. Everyday examples include radio waves, microwaves, and visible light. Medical imaging technologies like X-rays and MRIs use specific frequencies to visualize internal structures. However, prolonged exposure to certain electromagnetic frequencies, particularly in the radiofrequency and microwave ranges, has raised concerns about potential health effects. Studies are ongoing to better understand the impact of prolonged exposure to EMFs, especially from devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi. 

  2. Sound Frequencies: Sound waves are vibrations that travel through a medium, like air or water. The human body is sensitive to different frequencies of sound, ranging from infrasound (below the range of human hearing) to ultrasound (above the range of human hearing). Ultrasound is commonly used in medical imaging, such as fetal ultrasound during pregnancy. Additionally, certain frequencies of sound are utilized in therapies like ultrasound therapy for physical rehabilitation. 

  3. Bioenergetic Frequencies: Within the body, there is the concept of bioenergetic frequencies, often associated with the body's energy fields. Disruptions or imbalances in these bioenergetic frequencies may contribute to health issues. Modalities like biofeedback and energy healing attempt to assess and modulate these frequencies to promote balance and well-being. 

In conclusion, different frequencies, whether in the form of electromagnetic waves, sound waves, or bioenergetic frequencies, interact with the body in various ways. While some frequencies are harnessed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in conventional medicine, others are used for alternative therapies and holistic purposes. 

Quantum Science, Energy & Waves

Quantum Sciences delve into the fundamental aspects of the subatomic world and are integral to understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level. Here's an overview in simpler terms:

  1. Quantum Energy:

    • In the quantum realm, energy is not continuous but comes in discrete packets called "quanta." These quanta are the basic units of energy associated with particles like photons, electrons, and others.

    • The behavior of particles at the quantum level is often described by wave-particle duality, meaning they exhibit both wave-like and particle-like characteristics. Quantum energy levels are quantized, meaning they can only exist in specific, discrete amounts.

  2. Quantum Field Theory:

    • Quantum field theory (QFT) is a framework that combines quantum mechanics with the concept of fields. In this theory, particles are viewed as excitations or disturbances in their respective fields, filling all of space.

    • Fields can be scalar, vector, or tensor, describing different types of particles and their interactions. For instance, the electromagnetic field gives rise to particles like photons.

    • QFT introduces the concept of virtual particles, particles that briefly pop in and out of existence due to quantum fluctuations in the fields.

Understanding quantum energy and field theory provides insights into the microscopic world of particles and energy interactions. It forms the basis for advanced concepts in physics, with potential implications for medical imaging technologies, therapies, and an overall appreciation of the interconnectedness between energy and matter at the quantum level.

Oscillation-throughs within the atoms of molecules and cells, displace matter which then concentrates in the oscillation nodes. In this way, a logarithmic, fractal distribution of matter density arises in the natural-oscillating medium, leading to the situation illustrated below:

Graph of how resonating frequencies behave in the imaet System
imaet System oscillation graphic

The basic principle of the imaet System device is to measure time differences of the respective innate signals and to achieve a statistical evaluation based on a mathematical algorithm. The results obtained are compared with data which are archived in a data base. The software measures the biochemistry and cellular activity by sending harmless, low voltage frequencies through a harness system to and from the body. The software then calculates everything based on the changes made to these signals on their path through the body.

Figure 1: Basic work flow for the evaluation of data obtained
The system uses square waves. i.e. arthrosis is 47.3 kHz This frequency is superimposed onto the measured frequency from the body and a deltaT time shift is mathematically calculated to produce a reactivity value.

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